Fourier Transform Explanation as a Cross-Correlation
December 22, 2021
![Figure 1: The two sequences for the autocorrelation of x0[n] and x0[n].](https://www.wavewalkerdsp.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/correlationExplained_timeDomain_x0x0-150x150.png)
Cross Correlation Explained With Real Signals
December 1, 2021

Using Euler’s Formula to Derive Sine and Cosine
November 24, 2021

Fourier Transform Convolution Property Derivation
November 17, 2021

Fourier Transform Pairs of Conjugation and Time Reversal
November 17, 2021

The DSP Family Tree: Grow Your Career
November 17, 2021
![Figure 2: The complex sinusoid x0[n] = e(j2 pi 0.125 n) plotted in the complex plane.](https://www.wavewalkerdsp.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/aliasingSamplingCarTires_sinusoidsUnitCircleGrid0-150x150.png)
Aliasing, Sampling and Spinning Car Tires
November 10, 2021

List of Important Math for DSP
November 3, 2021

The Unit Circle: The Field of Play for the Game of DSP
October 23, 2021

Phase, Frequency and Negative Frequency in Complex Sinusoids
October 19, 2021