Celebrating 100,000 Page Views!
WWDSP has officially reached 100,000 page views! Praise the Lord and thank you reader for visiting my website. See past milestones: 500 Page Views!!! 1,000
Bartlett Method Power Spectral Density (PSD) Signal Estimates
Introduction This blog gives a couple of examples for how the PSD for QPSK, AWGN and sinusoidal signals are estimated using the Bartlett Method. More
Barker Code Auto-Correlation Properties
Introduction Barker codes are a special type of sequence which have excellent auto-correlation properties. This blog describes Barker codes, gives a mathematically example of the
What is Power Spectral Density (PSD)?
Introduction This blog describes the power spectral density (PSD) mathematically, algorithms for estimating the PSD, and real world challenges in PSD estimation. The analysis in
How to Write a Technical Paper
Introduction A simple guide for how to write a technical paper. Describes what sections you need and the easiest order to write them. More blogs!
Power and Energy in Discrete-Time Signals
Introduction What does it mean for a discrete-time signal to have energy or power? This blog reviews energy and power in electrical circuits and then
Installing GNU Radio and B200 mini SDR
Introduction This blog demonstrates a quick way to install GNU Radio via apt and how to properly configure your system to load the firmware for
Celebrating Two Years!
Two Years! Celebrating two years of WWDSP! Praising the Lord and thank you Jesus. I missed the actual anniversary date in August with this post
Investing Time Into Younger Engineers
Introduction My career has been shaped and helped by those who invested in me. Pass it on by being a positive influence in the life
Why Does the DFT Need Windowing Functions?
Introduction The blog describes why windowing functions are needed in spectral analysis! This blog uses the Fourier Transform as a Cross-Correlation as a foundation and